
Welcome to the
XV. International Conference on Biological Calorimetry, to the Pannonia ISBC!

Dear Colleagues, Dear Friends,

We are pleased to welcome You at the website of the XV. International Conference on Biological Calorimetry. The conference will be held between the 24 and 30 May 2008 in the beautiful city of Pecs (Hungary), Europe's future Capital of Culture in 2010. Please, reserve this time for the conference in your calendar!

The conference provides an overview of a broad range of application of thermal methods in various fields of biology, environment, medicine, pharmacology etc. The topics are grouped in the following sections:

  1. Instrumentation and Theoretical Approaches
  2. Biological Materials
  3. Biochemical and Pharmaceutical Aspects
  4. Microorganisms and Tissue Cultures
  5. Plants including Photocalorimetry
  6. Insects and Social Communities
  7. Aquatic Animals
  8. Medical Aspects
  9. Miscellaneous
  10. The Kyoto Protocol and the calorimetric methods
  11. Whole cell thermodynamics

Keynote lectures will be by invitation only; your submitted abstracts will be evaluated for relevance and quality of oral or poster presentation by the International Scientific Committee and published in the Proceedings. The conference web site is now available at www.tensi-congress.hu/isbc2008/ with the most important information.

Please use the web site for registration. If you have any problem, want more information, do not hesitate to contact the organizers of the conference using e-mail: in scientific question: denes.lorinczy@aok.pte.hu, in technical ones (accommodation, regfee, etc.): kweimann@tensipecs.hu.

We would like to ask you to forward this information to your colleagues or other possible participants. Any proposals to add to the conference topics or information about possible sponsors and exhibitors are accepted with pleasure by the organizers.

This conference will be an excellent forum for exchanging exciting current ideas, and a great opportunity to generate thought-provoking discussions and to initiate collaborations.

We are looking forward to seeing you in Pécs, in May 2008!

Yours sincerely,

Prof. Dr. Denes Lorinczy

Prof. Dr. Denes Lorinczy
Chairman of the Organising Committee